Bech-Bruun and CSIS have launched a joint Cyber Incident Response Retainer. This collaboration bridges the gap between cybersecurity expertise and legal compliance.
You will receive immediate support and be guided through a step-by-step approach. Let us guide you.
cases addressed every year
cases resolved successfully
weeks resolution time for 75% of our cases
The moment your organization is hit by an incident, you need the ability to take key decisions quickly and get the situation under control.
Common mistakes organizations make:
Taking the right decisions will pave the way toward rapid and robust recovery.
Taking the wrong decisions will invariably lead to more work, more costs and, likely, a failed clean-up job.
Our Emergency Response process is based on the SANS Institute model, though adapted based on our experience.
Our intervention ensures our customers are guided expertly through a structured process, including these activities:
Our Emergency Response Consultants will work unrelentingly to answer four key questions. These are the questions that you need to have answered to ensure you address the root cause of the breach.
We developed Chronos to make our incident response process faster, without compromising on quality, breadth or depth.
Chronos is a powerful data collection, analysis and investigations platform that allows us to do more with less resources and in less time.
This means you get results faster and without the same expense as people-intensive methodologies.
”CSIS’s incident response capability – the people and the technology used – is best-in-class. The team’s depth of technical knowledge, work ethos and collaborative nature are commendable, as is their ability to take the lead. I consider them a trust partner.”
“The CSIS team delivered exceptional value while supporting us in working through a sensitive and complex cyber investigation. Their people, proprietary tools and impressive process competencies enabled us to work at an unparalleled pace. We expect to work with world-class partners and CSIS definitely lived up to that expectation.”
”We contacted CSIS at a critical time for the company because we were experiencing a severe security incident. They responded immediately and their intervention was fast, decisive, and effective. Thanks to CSIS, we were able to understand the nature of the issue and resolve it. Since then, we have engaged them on a retainer basis to ensure our resilience is constantly optimized.”
To guarantee our availability when you need it most, ensure you have an Emergency Response Retainer in place.
You will also learn more about our methodology and ways of working.
Rest Assured.
We are the leader in actionable and intelligence-driven detection and response services.