Hands of diverse people stacked together



We believe that collaboration is intrinsic to the growth and success of the security industry’s fight against cybercrime. It is in this spirit that we actively pursue membership in organizations where we believe we can make a positive difference.
FIRST – Incident Response

FIRST is a global Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams. FIRST aspires to bring together incident response and security teams from every country across the world to ensure a safe internet for all.

We are a member of FIRST. We were independently audited to gain membership, and this means our incident response capabilities have been validated by other leading players in the industry.


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APWG – Anti Phishing Working Group

APWG aims to unify the global response to cybercrime through data exchange, research and promoting public awareness.

We are a Sponsor Member of APWG. We contribute actively to this community through our research and data.

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NCFTA – National Cyber Forensics Training Alliance

NCFTA is a trusted alliance of business and law enforcement working together to disrupt cybercrime.

We collaborate with NCFTA through the provision of data.


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Shadowserver Foundation

The Shadowserver team represents some of the most capable and experienced security experts in the world, working quietly behind the scenes to make the Internet more secure for everyone. Its mission is to make the Internet more secure by bringing to light vulnerabilities, malicious activity and emerging threats.

We collaborate with Shadowservers as an Alliance Partner.

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DI Digital

DI Digital wants to ensure that Denmark becomes the preferred country to run technology companies in and from. We represent more than 900 technology companies.

We are members of DI Digital, contributing and participating in events, and additionally sharing information pertinent to the cybersecurity industry in Denmark and internationally.

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Rest Assured.

We are the leader in actionable and intelligence-driven detection and response services.